a publicised list of the Student Council Papers for the Academic Year 2019/20

6. May 2020 - Meeting by Correspondence

due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which resulted in the university campus being closed and the country going into lockdown, a Student Council meeting did not take place in April and was pushed back until May. due to the restrictions, this meeting happened by correspendence.
no motions or items of discussion were submitted. 

5. March 2020 - Meeting by Correspondence

this meeting was scheduled to take place in Townhouse, however, due to no motions or items for discussion being submitted, it was decided to meet via correspondence. this meant council business was completed via email. the agenda for this is below. 
Minutes - None recorded 
Motions - None submitted

4. Tuesday 18th February 2020 - 6pm in KP TK504

Motion: Community Autonomy, proposed by Shane Simpkin - NOT PASSED, referred to next meeting
Motion: Change of title from Activities & Development to Student Opportunities, proposed by Muna Ali - Referred to next meeting
Motion: Restrict the Rents, proposed by Shane Simpkin - PASSED

3. Thursday 16th January 2020: 6pm - 8pm in SB 3027

Motion: NUS Conference, proposed by Abby Grant - PASSED 
Motion: Enforcement of Smoking Ban on University Premises, proposed by Salam Aazam - NOT PASSED 
Motion: LGBT+ Housing, proposed by Shane Simpkin - PASSED
Policy Lapse: Create more of a solidarity with KU LGBT+ students to make them feel safe - PASSED

2. Thursday 12th December 2019: 6pm - 8pm in KH BS1006

Motion: Changing Byelaw 16, proposed by Muna Ali - PASSED
Motion:Amending Council Deadline, proposed by Shane Simpkin - NOT PASSED
Motion: Climate Change, proposed by Abby Grant - NOT PASSED 
Motion: Discounted Summer Accomodation for Care Leavers, proposed by Lola Kareem - PASSED
Motion: Sustainability Project Group (SPG), proposed by Muna Ali - PASSED
Motion: Poster Space Part Two, proposed by Shane Simpkin - NOT PASSED 
Motion: Raising and Giving (RAG) Project Group, proposed by Muna Ali - PASSED 
Motion: Plastic Free Students Union, proposed by Abby Grant - NOT PASSED

1. Friday 29th November 2019: 5pm - 7pm in PR SB3027

Motion: Motion Policy Lapse proposed by Shane Simpkin - PASSED
Motion: Creation of Sexual Health and Consent classes during Freshers and Re-Freshers proposed by Emma Campbell - PASSED