Start a conversation about the pay gap. 

1. Some people start University with no prior work expereince, however we found that when talking to students last year, there were more people that had direct expereince with the gender pay gap than we thought. We can often be our own best teachers and just turning to your friends can often reveal surprising facts. 

2. We talking about it, ask people if they knew that the pay gap existed. Ask them what jobs their parents and family members do, and question why. 

3. If you do work, consider who works in what position in your work place. Are there lots of women, but more men in the highest positions?

4. We often go about our lives without ever talking about the real issues we face. The gender pay gap is not something that only women need to talk about and solve, as men play a role in closing the gap too. We all move though the world operating with unconscious biase shaping what we do and how we do it. Talking about it can get people to see or understand things that they may not have known or considered before.